Hi, I’m Alondo Brewington, a location independent software mobile app developer. I’ve been working remotely for almost 10 years. In 2016, I joined the Remote Year program and traveled to 12 countries in the span of 12 months. Since then I’ve traveled to/worked from more than 30 countries.

I grew up in Georgia (Atlanta) and the Carolinas (Charleston, Goldsboro) and spent most of my life moving between those three states. As a military brat, relocation was a normal occurrence so adding the remote work component as an adult made perfect sense. I love what I do but don’t like doing it in one place. I decided to make the most of my love for changing environments, I started traveling. Whether it’s for a conference, meetup, hackathon or amazing street food, I’ll be there.

The only requirement for a destination is that it provides an opportunity for learning, laughing and sharing the experience with interesting people. I don’t travel by a strict itinerary. That is part of the fun!  I talk about my work and travel experiences here and on The Cocoa Nomad Podcast, which I host. You can also find me on the following social media sites:

Here is a photo of me enjoying a day at a co-working space in Koh Phangan, Thailand. It’s a tongue in cheek look at how remote work is promoted on social media but in reality, this was the most productive month I had that year. (My only time in that hammock was for this photo).

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